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Some Important Things To Take Care For Your Pets Health And Safety
Some Important Things To Take Care For Your Pets Health And Safety
Taking care of a pet is quite easy as well as should be well taken care. Pet care is in fact a simple job, and includes the very important functions of grooming and striving to maintain good pet health care. General pet supplies could be considered a definition of useful tools for grooming and keeping your pet in good health.Let us consider some useful terms which should be taken care for the well being of your pet:
Choosing A Pet:
The process of choosing a pet is very important. Choosing a pet depends on one’s preferences, but there are still some important things that should be kept in mind. One should always choose an animal of good breed. Secondly, the pet should be healthy especially if it is still in the initial stage of its life. A healthy young pet shows good fast growth.
Pet Supplies:
You should make a complete list of pet supplies and include the following: pet food and food bowls, pet id tags and collar, pet medications, supplements and tonics, etc. Some other items to consider are animal carriers, pet houses and furniture, pet beds, clothes, and pet jewelry.
Online Pet Supplies:
Online pet supplies are supplies that can be purchased from pet stores over the Internet. There are numerous pet grooming product manufacturers and pet-grooming stores selling their products online through their individual official websites.
Pet Grooming Supplies:
Pet grooming supplies include items such as grooming clippers, pet hair care products, soaps, shampoo and perfumes.
Pet Health:
Pet health is a very important responsibility of pet ownership. For puppies and kittens, or any other four-legged pets, important treatments would include giving a hygiene bath, cleaning, combing, brushing, checking ears, paws, teeth and underside of the tongue, nail trimming, removing fleas and insects, and fixing regular meetings with a professional veterinary. A good pet owner should follow a regular schedule of grooming sessions.
Pet Care:
Pet care can require a lot of patience. Like children, pets often require special attention. A puppy, kitten or any other pet in its infancy needs to be handled with extreme care. In particular they must be groomed properly, fed carefully, and bedded properly.
Pet Insurance :
When you are treating your pet as your family member why not covering your pet with an insurance policy. Yes! That’s absolutely possible and you will find many insurance companies providing policies for your beloved pet. Pet insurance is now a days very common and used largely by many pet lovers. Though how much you take care of you pet but you never know when an emergency situation arrives.
There is a very famous saying from George Eliot “Pets are such agreeable friends, they ask no questions and they pass no criticisms” about pet animals. Pets have always been friendly to humans and often show their love and affection by licking, hickeys, even love-bites.
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My Persian cat Purrs, I Wonder Why?
My Persian cat Purrs, I Wonder Why?
by Connie Limon
Do you wonder why the Persian cat and all other breeds of cats purr from time to time or almost all the time? This is a question that no one has been able to answer for sure. We just don’t know why cats purr. As Persian cat owners we would like to think the purring meant “contentment." Those who research such matters say this is one reason and probably the “greatest" reason a cat purrs.
Where does the noise come from?
· Scientists agree the larynx (voice box), laryngeal muscles and a neural oscillator are all involved in the purring process
Understanding of how our domestic cats purr is becoming more and more complete. We know from experience Persian kittens and other cat breeds learn how to purr when they are a couple of days old. Veterinarians think this purring communicates to animal mom:
· “Mom, I am okay."
· “Mom, I am here."
The purring of kittens toward cat mom also indicates a bonding mechanism between kitten and cat mom.
I purchased a couple of Persian kittens. On day six, as I held them both in my arms, they both began to vibrate, and make the purring noise. I thought, are they growling at me? I am a Shih Tzu dog breed owner also. But, no, they were purring. They had bonded with me as their surrogate mother and were telling me, “I am happy with you," “I am content right now," and “I am okay." I am certain this was messages they were sending me.
It has also been suggested that cats purr when they are injured or in pain (believe me, my kittens were not in pain). The purr, with its low frequency vibrations acts as a natural healing mechanism. Purring may also be linked to:
· Strengthening and repairing of bones
· Relief of pain
· Wound healing
Whatever the meaning to the Persian cat and other cat breeds purr, we are for certain it is a unique vocal feature of the domestic cat. It is probably an instinct because it occurs in the Bobcat, Cheetah, Eurasian Lynx, Puma, Wild Cat and many others of the Felidae family as well.
Studies show the bigger cats such as lions, leopards, Jaguars, Tigers, Snow Leopard, and Clouded Leopard to not exhibit true purring; however, they exhibit a purr-like sound.
As my kittens purred, they did not have their mouths open. I first wondered where is this sound coming from, something inside the cat’s body, as there was a vibration with it as well. This is the distinction from other cat vocalizations in that the purr is produced during the entire respiratory cycle (the inhaling and exhaling). The meow, which I have heard also, happens as the kitten opens its mouth and is limited to the expiration of breath. This is an interesting concept about cats, I think.
Other times when Persian cats and other cat breeds purr are:
· A queen will purr while giving birth (probably a moment of joy as well as pain; it is unknown why this occurs)
· Kittens instinctively purr while nursing
· Ma-ma cats purr right back at kittens as they nurse
· An adult cat can purr at the drop of a hat, whenever you are near, but especially when you are holding or petting (this is when my Persian kittens purred the first time, while I was holding and petting them)
With the knowledge of how and why a cat purrs, it makes sense that cats are often used as “therapy animals" in convalescent hospitals, or in retirement homes. It is a proven fact that cat owners have lower blood pressure. This is especially true in the elderly population.
This human-feline bond is quite pleasant and enjoyable. It made me feel like all was well in the world, and I even hummed right back at them! It was a precious moment in the relationship between myself and my Persian kittens.
Written by: Connie Limon To learn more about Persian cats and to purchase the exquisite “Chinchilla and Shaded Silver" kittens visit us at http://www.fairydewpersiancats.com For a variety of FREE reprint articles visit Camelot Articles at http://www.camelotarticles.com
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
© 2008 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved
Originally published on SearchWarp.com for Connie Limon Sunday, May 25, 2008
Article Source: My Persian cat Purrs, I Wonder Why?
How to keep your cat purring into old age
Cat Tips Newsletter
Cats can live longer than many people think... 18 to 20 years is common.
Here's how to keep your cat purring into advanced old age.
1. Take your cat to the veterinarian at least once a year for a complete physical exam, and follow your veterinarian's advice regarding preventive health-care measures. Preventing disease and maintaining optimum health are the first steps toward a long, healthy life.
2. Spay or neuter your cat as soon as possible. Having kittens, especially repeated litters, is stressful and will contribute to premature aging.
3. Keep your cat inside at all times to reduce the risk of accidents, injuries from fights or disease. (Some research suggests inside cats live twice as long as outdoor cats!)
4. Feed your cat high-quality food designed to meet the specific
nutritional requirements during all stages of his life.
5. Prevent obesity at all costs by controlling your cat's diet and engaging him in play activities.
6. Talk to your veterinarian about adding vitamin and mineral
supplements, antioxidants and extra fiber to your cat's diet.
7. Have your cat's teeth cleaned professionally. Good dental health will add years to his life.
8. Groom your cat daily, checking for abnormalities, and seek medical help promptly when you discover anything suspicious
9. Make sure no harmful chemicals such as pesticides or household
cleaners find their way onto your cat's fur, since cats groom
themselves with their tongues constantly. Even small amounts of
harmful chemicals on their bodies can have adverse effects if
consumed over many years.
10. Protect your cat from environmental dangers such as household
cleaners and secondhand smoke.
11. Help your cat avoid the stress of harassment from other animals by providing a quiet place for undisturbed catnaps.
12. Provide your older cat with a heat source such as a heating pad set on low, since cats more than 12 years old require extra heat. You'll notice a difference in his attitude and activity level.
13. Give your cat daily full-body massages and lots of love. Despite their aloof demeanor, cats thrive on affection.
14. Protect your cat from dangerous plants such as cactus and poinsettia.
Find a veterinarian with a special interest in aging who keeps abreast of advancements in this rapidly developing area of pet care.
Be sure to call your veterinarian before giving your cat any product
not specifically approved for cats. Some products, such as acetaminophen, commonly consumed safely by people or dogs, are poisonous to cats.
Here's a quick way to treat your cat...Instead of a heating pad,
fold up your down comforter on the end of the bed.
Your aging cat will sink into its own warm cocoon for all its naps.
Remeber cats are like people... when they feel
loved and happy their health is affected. So be sure to
give your cat as much attention as you can.
Till next time,
Mary Mathews
"Mary Mathews is an expert on cat health, training and bonding. She is the author of the best selling course Ultimate Cat Secrets"
Step-by-Step Instructions for Ordering Pet Meds Online
Step-by-Step Instructions for Ordering Pet Meds Online
You already know that the best thing you can do for your animal is to provide them
with the right medical care at the right time. It is very important for you to
make sure that you provide your animals with the type of care that is going to
last them a lifetime. When they are sick, injured, or when they have a
condition that requires medical attention, one of the best things that you can
do as a pet owner is make sure that this condition is taken care of right away.
Therefore, ordering your pet's medication is one of the things that you should
be doing as a responsible pet owner.
Although you know that getting pet medication can help your pet continue to live a
healthy, happy life; pets must be monitored closely and given plenty of
attention to see that they are in discomfort. After visiting the vet, the next
step is to acquire the medication the veterinarian has prescribed.
At this step in the process, there are a few options. Pet medication from a vet is
very expensive, and it is often a process that is very hard to do. Therefore,
something that you need to think about is ordering your pet's medication
online. This will be a great way for you to save time and money, and for you to
be able to get as much as you can out of the pet's medication.
When you are ordering pet medication online, there are a few steps that you can
follow to make sure that you are doing it right and to make sure that you get
the best deal. It is going to be easy for you to order pet medication online if
you are able to follow the steps.
Determine your pet's condition
The first step in ordering your pet's medication online is, of course, to figure
out what type of meds they actually need. This is going to require you make an
appointment at your local, trusted veterinarian. If you have not ordered pet
medication before, you need to be sure that you take your cat or dog to the vet
and figure out what is wrong with them. Get a good diagnosis from your vet, so
that you know what is wrong with them and what type of medication they will
need to feel better.
While you are at the vet, you also need to make sure that you are talking about the
medication that your pet will need for every day ailments and preventative
care. Although these are not things that are going to be wrong with your pet,
they will be things that you will need to order medication for. Make sure that
you have the veterinarian tell you about all of the medications your pet would
be on, whether for ailments or for regular practices.
Learn about the prescribed medications
Once you know which conditions your pet will have to be medicated for, it is going
to be time to figure out which of the medications that are offered are going to
do the things that you need for your pet. Remember that for each ailment or
condition there will be several different types of medication that you might
want to order. Be sure that you ask your vet if you have any questions about
particular types of medication, so that you know you are going to be giving
your pet the very best.
Look for the best brand of medication
Once you know what types of medication you are going to be looking at, choose the
brand that fits you the best. You should maybe do a little bit of research on
the particular brands of pet medications, and make sure that you are going to
be able to use them.
Take advantage of great deals
Next, you want to look online and see if you can find any great deals on the
medications that you are ordering. Sometimes, there are seasonal deals or deals
on discontinued medications. You can also find sales on certain brands and
products, and also deals that include free shipping. Also, many sites have
great deals for first-time buyers.
Fill out the information online
Once you know what you are ordering, you need to fill out the information that is
found online. The forms are very easy. Include your shipping address, your
billing address, and your pet's information.
Send your pet's prescription (if needed)
For some medications, you might need to send your pet's prescription. This is easy
to get from your vet's office. Take a moment to call your vet’s office and get
the proper information, and send it along.
Wait for the medication to be delivered!
Space out the time accordingly to your pet’s specific
problem. If your pet is very ill, it might be a good idea to request next day
shipping. If it is a refill, and your pet is on the mend, regular shipping
timeframes should be acceptable. Once the medication arrives, administer as
directed, and your pet’s condition will hopefully improve.
Josh Webber is a freelance writer
who often writes about topics pertaining to the care of pets and health options
for pets such as pet meds.
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How to prevent your cat from chewing on electrical cords
In this newsletter, I'll teach you how to prevent your cat from chewing on electrical cords.
Chewing on electrical cords can burn or shock your cat, causing respiratory problems, cardiac arrest and even death. Cat's sharp teeth and their inquisitive nature can put your cat at high risk. This is especially an issue with kittens.
Here's what to do to:
1. Tape cords to the wall with electrical tape to help prevent your pet from gaining access to them.
2. Stow excess lengths of cord behind furniture or appliances, hidden from your cat's view. Cats are attracted to dangling cords and may think they are toys.
3. Block access to visible cords by wrapping flexible safety cable (available at hardware stores) around them. Tin foil works well too, or even a thicker model or extension cord (that is too big for a cat to chew on)
4. Place contact paper, sticky side up, in the general area of electrical cords to discourage your pet from approaching them.
5. Apply unpleasant-tasting substances to exposed cords. These could include bitter apple spray, menthol, toothpaste, mouthwash or lemon juice. Experiment with different flavors, since cats' taste aversions vary. You can also use Crittercord... It's a cord cover with a deterrent infused in it. Be sure to use a product for Cats though- similar products are available for killing rats so be careful what you buy!
6. Have favorite toys available to distract your pet from the cords, and rotate toys every few days to prevent boredom.
7. Keep your pet out of any room with exposed electrical cords until your furry friend loses interest in chewing on them.
My favorite solution is rubbing the cords with a bar of soap.
Moisten the soap, it makes application easier. The soap will last longer than the Bitter Apple sprays and is more effective than hot sauce (even habanero). This works so well that you will probably see a reluctance to even reach for untreated cords, like a mouse or keyboard cord, where the same cat consistently would bite these before.
Talk soon,
Mary Mathews
"Mary Mathews is an expert on cat health, training and bonding. She is the author of the best selling course Ultimate Cat Secrets"
What you need to know before bringing home a cat.
Cats - What you need to know before bringing home a cat.
To be able to have a good experience with any pet there are a few things to consider before bringing them home. The first thing is the lifestyle of both you and the cat. It is important for the cat to be happy as well as you. Can you afford a cat? Your cat can not go without food or cat litter even for just one day. It’s important to think about the real costs of pet ownership. When you decide a cat is the right pet for you the next questions are what breed of cat and where to get your new pet.
A pet needs care on a daily basis. You can not leave your cat alone for the weekend because it has to be fed, let out and played with. You need to examine your lifestyle and decide if a cat will fit in and be happy. An unhappy cat will make you unhappy by looking for your attention doing things like clawing and peeing on furniture. The cats needs are as important as yours.
Can you afford a cat? There are costs involved in pet ownership that you may have not thought about. Such as vet bills and medicine if the cat gets hurt or falls ill. Going to a Vet can cost as much as a you seeing a Doctor and any medicine the cat may need may be expensive as well. You should make a list of the things a cat needs every month like food and cat litter then find out what it will all cost and if you can afford it.
Buying a cat of a specific breed from a reputable breeder can help to assure that you get a healthy animal. You should research both the breed and the breeder thoroughly. Some breeds require more care than others, for example long haired cats need to be brushed more. Also the cost varies greatly between both different breeds and also between different breeders. Another good option is getting your cat from a pet shelter. They have many cats that need a good home at a low cost if any.
Cats have a lot of personality and are a good choice for a pet. If you think through what you want from a pet and what the pet needs both you and your cat will be happy in the end. Pick a cat that will suit your lifestyle and budget. Most important always take good care of your pet.
You can read more cat articles at JimsPets.com.
Jeff Mcclure is a featured author at JimsPets.com.and you can read more of his articles at JimsPets.com.
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Save Money on Pet Meds with these Tips
Save Money on Pet Meds with these Tips
Pets are valued members of many families across the globe. When a pet is part of your household, they seem to complete your home and your family. Most people who have pets couldn't imagine their lives without them.
Taking your pets to the vet on a regular basis and making sure that they are healthy is of course very important. Regular trips to the vet will help ensure that your pet is in the best possible condition health-wise. This habit of keeping a close eye on your pet’s behavior is a great way to take the best care possible of your furry friend. Therefore, your pet's medication is also important.
There are many different types of pet medication that might be appropriate for your pet. Some of the pet meds are medicines that animals need for a specific reason, such as pain or a medical condition. There are medicines to deal with injury pain, to deal with the pain of conditions like hip dysplasia, and to deal with just about any type of pain that there might be. There are also pet medications like medications for heart worm, or for illnesses that come up, or for conditions like urinary tract infections. No matter what might be wrong with your pet, or what condition they might suffer from next, there are going to be medications that you can give them to make them feel better.
There are also pet medications that you use to prevent certain conditions. Heart worm pills are given to dogs and cats so that they don't get a horrible condition.Flea and tick medication is given to pets to keep the fleas and ticks off of them, so that they can stay healthy and have less risk of disease. Therefore,some of the medication that you might give your pet is preventative. It exists to help you keep your pet healthy in the short term as well as in the long term.
Of course, medicine is good for your pets, assuming they are prescribed by a qualified and trustworthy vet. Which means, when your pet has a condition, or when you need to have medications for your pet for whatever reason, you are going to have to get the money together and pay for the medicine, even if it is expensive. Many people do this each and every day, because they want to be sure that their friendly pets stay healthy and can live long and wonderful lives.
However, these pet medications can be expensive, especially if you order them
from the vet. You might spend more on medication than you ever thought
possible, so it is important to discover some ways that you can save money on
pet medication. Saving money is very important today and everyday, and there
are a few things that you can do when it comes to your pet's medication to make
sure that you are able to save money as well as possible.
You might want to consider being able to ask your vet about products that are not name brand. There are generic forms of the medication that you give your pet,and often the generic brands are exactly the same, except for the fact that they do not have the name brand. Your vet might be able to give you those generic medications and you will pay less. However, you will still be paying quite a bit.
Another way to save money on pet medication is to buy it in bulk. If you have lots of animals, or you know that you are going to have animals for a long time, it might work to buy the medication in bulk. There are some medications that will keep for a long time, and if you buy it all at once and then give it to your pet, you will probably end up saving money in the long run with it. Perhaps you have friends or family members that you could go in together with to buy the medication.
Although these are ways of getting medication at a less expensive price, the best way to get the proper medication for your pet is to order the medication online. Ordering pet meds online is something that many people do because it is a convenient way to get great deals on the medications that you would be buying for your pet anyway. If you are able to order your pet meds online, you can get them delivered directly to your door, and this will save you both time and money. With the right pet meds, you can afford to allow your pet to live a long and happy life with you!
Josh Webber is a freelance writer
who often writes about topics pertaining to the care of pets and health options
for pets such as pet meds.
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Pet Meds for Heartworm
Pet Meds for Heartworm
Being prepared by putting your pet on a preventative program
that works to protect them from contracting heartworm, is far easier on them
than the treatment they would have to undergo for heartworm disease. Placing
pets on monthly medications for the prevention and treatment of heartworm not
only saves countless lives, but it also saves pet owners a lot of money.
Treating a pet that has advanced heartworm disease is not only costly to
owners, but the outcome is not always pleasant for pets due to the harsh
treatment on their bodies.
Your pet is an important, loving member of your family and
keeping them as healthy as possible so that they may live very long lives is
something responsible pet owners take seriously. There are many affordable
preventative medication products available for helping to keep your pets safe
from heartworm disease and other diseases that affect pets all of the time.
Oral Meds for the Prevention and Treatment of Heartworm Disease
Medications that protect your cats and dogs from heartworm
disease are now available in great tasting flavors. Pets will think they are
getting a treat while you know you are safeguarding them from a very serious
disease. The following medications can fit into most families’ budget as
•Heartgard Plus for
Dogs®: Helps guard your dog against heartworm and controls other parasites
that can harm your pet such as hookworms and roundworms.
•Iverhart Max™: Chewable once a month tablets for dogs that protect
them from heartworm and other parasitic infections.
•Sentinel® Flavor
Tabs®: Once a month tablets that prevent heartworm disease, flea and worm infestations
in puppies and dogs.
•Interceptor® Flavor
Tabs®: Tablets that can be safely given to cats and dogs to offer them
protection from heartworm disease.
•Heartgard Chewablesfor Cats®: Safely prevents heartworm
disease in felines and removes hookworms. Most cats will take these enjoyable
tasting tablets without putting up any fuss at all.
Topical Solutions for Protection from and Treating Heartworms
Topical solutions for preventing and treating heartworm, as
well as fleas and ticks, are fantastic and can effectively safeguard your pets.
These are quite helpful to pet owners with pets that pose a problem when taking
pills. The following topical solutions can also fit into most families’ budget
•Advantage Multi for
Dogs®: A once monthly topical solution for the prevention and treatment of the
early stages of heartworm.
•Revolution®for Dogs:
A multi-purpose topical solution for dogs which works as a flea killer, and
heartworm preventative, while treating and controlling ear mites.
•Advantage Multi for
Cats®: A once a month topical solution applied to the skin, under the fur,
that offers your cat protection from heartworm disease. This is usually placed
between, and slightly under, the cats’ ears to prevent them from licking the
medication. Advantage Multi for Cats also works to kills fleas, ear mites, and
other parasites that can be harmful to your pet.
•Revolution® for Cats®: A monthly topical soultion that prevents
heartworm disease while killing adult fleas and their eggs, and controls ear
mites and other parasites.
There are new
ways to help cut costs for pet meds without cutting the quality of the
products. To save money, choose a multi-purpose medication that prevents and
treats heartworm, fleas, ticks, other parasites and the diseases they carry.
Many pet owners first become aware of preventative pet
medications for heartworm at their veterinarian when they bring a pet in for an
annual examination. Your veterinarian is an excellent resource for finding out
information about heartworm and other pet medications. You can usually buy pet
medications for heartworm prevention and treatment directly from your
veterinarian’s office.
Pet owners can also go online and search for reputable
suppliers of the medications your pet needs. It is possible to save a
substantial amount of money on medications by buying them online. With less overhead to drive up the prices,
many online suppliers of pet medications for heartworm prevention and treatment
can offer buyers incentives such as free shipping or discounts on purchasing a
three-month supply for your pet.
If you have a pet, most likely they are a very important
part of your family. Ensuring their health and safety is a priority to most.
Helping to guard pets against heartworm disease and any other diseases that can
harm them will enable them to live longer and happier lives. This also
safeguards your family against illnesses and diseases that pets can transmit to
the humans around them. Show your pet
how much you care about them by providing them with the protection that they
need all year long.
Rachel Jackson is a freelance writer who often writes about
topics pertaining to the care of pets and health options for pets such as pet meds.
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How to break up a cat fight
In this newsletter, I'll teach you how to How to Break Up a Cat Fight.
Here are some tips on how to do it...
1. Avoid hitting the cats or getting your hands anywhere near their
mouths. Hitting could make the situation worse and could cause the
attack to be redirected toward you.
2. Spray the aggressor with a water hose. If this doesn't make a
difference, aim for the nostrils.
3. Hold a broom between the cats to separate them.
4. Use a noisemaking device such as an air horn to drive the animals
apart, and be prepared to move away quickly or defend yourself.
5. The quickest way to break up a cat fight is loud hissing, spitting, and a
glass of water appropriately applied (aim for the face).
6. Put a magazine or a newspaper between the two cats to block their
vision of each other. This works where the cats are in a frozen position,
but not yet making contact. It allows the frightened one to run away (if
it can) and you can pick up the dominant one if it is tame. Without
blocking the sight of the other cat, picking up or even touching the
aggressive cat can make the attack start. Usually the frightened cat is
cornered and can't get away, so your only option may be to move the
aggressor after blocking it's view.
Abscesses resulting from cat fights can pose serious health risks and are expensive to treat.
A cat can become infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) when it is bitten - such as in a cat fight. FIV will be transmitted only if the biting animal is carrying the virus.
Talk soon,
Mary Mathews
Mary Mathews is an expert on cat health, training and bonding. She is the author of the best selling course Ultimate Cat Secrets"
How to teach your cat to come when called
In this newsletter, I'll teach you how to teach your cat to come when called.
To have your cat come when called by name is remarkably easy though it takes an understanding of the process. Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Talk to your cat as much as you can. Encourage her to come to you, and regularly pet her and brush her. Bonding is very important, cat massage, baths and generally being on good terms is important.
2. Pick a special dry snack that she likes. It must be different to her regular dry food and only used for this (don't give it to her at any other time until she's mastered this). Make certain it is nutritious. I suggest a dry, crunchy snack that is also good for the teeth.
3. Pick a special word, such as "snack" or "treat." It must be a word she will associate only with the special snack. This is creating an "anchor" (a trigger).
4. Use your special word during her next snack time. In her presence, place one piece of the food in her empty dish and say the special word.
5. Say the word again (and be sure to say it in the same way as before) after she eats the first piece. Place another piece of the food in her dish and say the special word again.
6. Walk away. If she is giving you "I am really starving" cries, say your word again and give her one more piece. Then walk out of the room.
7. Repeat the procedure after about 4 minutes. Cats learn very quickly when they are motivated and have a strong bond with you.
8. Follow this procedure for the next several days.
9. Once your cat is coming every time you say the special word, start only giving the food treat every so often and instead give lots of attention (whatever she likes such as a pet) for a few minutes. Then let her go and repeat the process a few minutes later.
10. If you've done the above right, and you've done the bonding exercises in the training manual, your cat should now be associating affection from you with the special word. Now you can use the word and she should come AND each time she sees or hears you nearby she will be more affectionate because she's reminded of all the affection you've given her in the past.
Don't forget, it is to be a small snack, not a small bowl of dry food. Otherwise, your kitty might gain unwanted weight. Be patient and follow the above exactly otherwise you will confuse your cat. Use the special word daily, not only when you want to find the cat for a trip to the vet or when it is bath time. On those occasions, give her the snack and try to allow a few minutes before following through on your hidden motive.
Another little secret is that if you can whistle, most cats will respond. Usually, a very loud high-pitched whistle (as if to say, "Here, boy"), repeated over and over until the cat comes to you is very effective. Eventually, your cat will come after only 1 or 2 whistles. However, again this is based on a strong bond being in place.
It's important to note that the bond is most important because then your cat will WANT to come to you whenever you give it the chance. This is why some people find that if I want her to come to them, or sit on their lap, all they have to is pat their leg with their hand, and tell her to come, and she hops up on their lap or come to them.
A way to do this is to show her the brush. (Assuming your cat loves to be brushed) because when you show it to her, she'll run over to you.
If your cats are outside and you can't find them, if you shake their "dry food" jar and they may well come running right away. To make this more powerful, every time you feed your cat make the same "shake" noise in front of them or when they can hear, just before you feed them.
How does the above work?
Well basically what you are doing is conditioning your cat to associate two things. (The special word with the treat for example). When this happens a few times, your cat learns that when the trigger happens, the other thing should happen. (For example, "when I hear the special word and I come, I get a treat").
This means from then on you can say the special word and the cat will come running because it thinks it will get a treat. Once your cat ALWAYS does the desired behavior, (in this case comes when you say the special word), you can change the special word for their name, if you know how. I'll tell you more about that
in a future newsletter.
Talk soon,
Mary Mathews
"Mary Mathews is an expert on cat health, training and bonding. She is the author of the best selling course Ultimate Cat Secrets"
Important Steps for Buying Pet Meds Online
Important Steps for Buying Pet Meds Online
Buying pet meds online is the most convenient and easy way
to finding the best medication for your pets, if you follow the right steps to
do it. All you need to do is know the medication you want or the online
pharmacy that may help you. Yet even if you might be clueless on that side all
the online sites may give you a link to a number of products that will really
to buy. While doing that, compare and contrast it with similar products and you
may be amazed at how many products are available for a certain illness. This
will help you save money because some products may be cheaper whilst doing the
same work as the one you had in mind.
your veterinarian which product they can recommend for your pet. You can tell
them that you have already come across the medication you think will help you
pet and let them tell you what they think of it.
know which product you need. All this is not done over a number of days but
within a couple of minutes because they will quickly respond to you.
The convenience of buying pet meds online
Some online sites may give you a choice to use their alpha
listing to find the pet meds you need quickly. However, this is effective if
only you know exactly what you are looking for. It will save you both time and
energy. It eliminates the stress and hustle of going through a number of pages
and not knowing where you will find the medication you need.
products which serve as a good recommendation if you do not know exactly what
medicine will help your pet. They also list new products that you might be
interested on. This helps because it alerts you as a buyer that there might be
improved medication or medication that works differently and this might be
exactly what you are looking for.
Buying pets med online allows you to get detailed
information before you even buy the product. You can always ask the veterans if
you need more information on the product you intend buying. All sites give you
an option to contact them should you have any queries on their products and
they become handy on answering your questions.
The most convenient part of buying pet meds online is the
fact that you do not need to put your work on hold and rush to the pharmacy.
You just use your shopping card when placing your order. After they are done
with the transaction they alert you on when your orders will be delivered. It
is delivered to your door without you being liable for any delivery charges.
you become a regular you get even greater discounts. Sometimes those benefits
are given to on your second purchase. Sometimes you get discounts for using a
certain card.
A large variety of pet meds caters for different needs of pets
There are meds for serious infections and meds that are there to ensure good
health of your pet all the time. Medications like vitamin supplements, hair
fertilizers diet tablets help keep the good look of pets.
Pet meds come in different supplement types, too. There are
tablets, vaccines, syrups and ointments. This is because not all pets are
comfortable with any type of medication. There are also custom meds and meds
for pet with special needs.
Compounding is one type of medication
that caters specifically for pets that hate or have allergies to the custom
medications. For pets that generally hate getting medication or gives trouble
gives you trouble when you give them particular medication, their medication is
mixed with flavors or converted into their favorite foods. They therefore will
not even realize they are taking medication and you will be saving them torture
they would go through.
Compounding works in various ways. It
turns many oral medications into a topical treatment or gel that can be rubbed
into the pet's exposed skin area. It may add flavors to make medications more
appealing, turn pills into chewable tablets or flavored solutions or mix the
medication with the pet’s food.
This can be good-tasting marshmallow, liver, beef, chicken,
peanut butter or fish-flavored antibiotic suspensions – so it’s much easier to
get your pet to swallow the meds, and means less stress for both you and your
Ryan Anderson is a freelance writer who often
writes about topics pertaining to the care of pets and health options for pets
such as pet meds.
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Midnight Bandits And My Cat Spike!
Midnight Bandits And My Cat Spike!
My cat Spike was mad! He is used to eating breakfast around 7:00 a.m., but I did not awake until almost 8:00. I heard his meowing in the garage and from the sound I knew he was still in his bed, but complaining that breakfast had not been served! He gets loud when he is not fed his Meow Mix on time.
The sight that welcomed me was not pretty. The vagrant band of raccoons that visit my garage on a regular basis had discovered the buckets of pecans I had picked up during the day. I had collected more than I had time to process, but this did not bother the raccoons. They proceeded to crack and shell pecans all over the garage.
Over the last several years my garage appears to have become a half-way house for raccoons. They use my cat's food dish to treat themselves to human food without having to scatter the contents of my garbage can all over the yard. Spike's cat food is also more nutritional!
Packed with vitamins and minerals, one of the three raccoons that currently visit almost every night is getting so fat that he can hardly get through the pet door designed for cats. Spike is partial to the tuna flavor of the cat food, but occasionally he will get the chicken flavor. It does not matter to the raccoons what the flavor of the day is; they simply devour anything placed in the food dish.
I had not given much thought to leaving the buckets of pecans out in the open, practically inviting any hungry animal to grab as many of the nuts as it could eat. Since our home is near a small woods complete with vegetable gardens on the side, my house is a natural target for a raccoon's nightly snack.
In the wild, there's not much that raccoons won't eat. They like grasshoppers, grapes, corn, worms, mice, bird eggs, berries, garden vegetables and walnuts. I have discovered they also love pecans. They don't carry the nuts out of the garage; they just crack them with their teeth and spit the shells all over the floor.
Raccoons are slobs! If they were standing on the table or the work bench eating a nut, that's where they would leave their scraps of pecan shells. The tops of the washer and drier were also covered with debris from their midnight scavenging of my pecans. I can see why Spike ignores the raccoons and tries to sleep through the commotion each night!
Spike has a box, complete with several pillows for comfort, where he sleeps while all this is going on. The box is on a table in the middle of the garage and he occasionally raises his head over the edge to see what the racket below is all about; that's the extent of his involvement in the chaos below.
Cats sleep more than humans, about 13 to 16 hours a day. Spike spends almost two-thirds of his life snoring, without letting hungry varmints disturb that blissful state of relaxation. When morning comes and his cat food dish is empty from the assault on it from masked bandits, my cat wails almost like a dog. Unfortunately this is in cat language and sounds really weird.
Normally an early riser, Spike gets impatient when he has to wait on breakfast. A cup full of cat food, Tuna Surprise, calms him down. By now the raccoons, like vampires, have retreated from the sun and are peacefully snoozing in their dens. Once again, all is right with the world.
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Cat Litter Pan
Large Enclosed Cat Pan - with patented F6 zeolite air filter.
Suitable for in door cats with air filter.
Large Cat Pan - Framed to minimize spillage.
Choosing the Best Cat Litter Tray for Your Cat
Choosing the Best Cat Litter Tray for Your Cat
Many people are on the lookout for that perfect cat litter tray. Onethat keeps the odours down and the litter from spilling on to the floor
each time your beloved pet steps from it. There are many different
forms of cat litter tray that a purchaser can and should consider, when
looking for a little tray for their animal depending on the size of the
cat and how often it is used.
If you have an indoor cat then making sure to get a cat litter tray
that is covered and has some type of product to help filter the air in
and around the tray would be the best thing for the animal and its
owner. A box that comes with a lid that easily snaps on and off is the
one that usually has the design of a filter on the top that one can
change periodically to reduce the smells. This type of enclosed cat
litter tray comes in various sizes. If you have more than one cat you
should opt for a larger size. The Deluxe Hooded Cat Litter Tray by
Marchioro is a great example of this type of enclosed tray.
If your kitty is one that travels back and forth from inside to
outdoors then you may be better off just purchasing a simple cat litter
tray. Again those come in different sizes, shapes and of course
colours. Purchasing odour-control cat litter will be your best option
when having a cat litter tray with no lid. You want to make sure to get
the appropriate size of tray for the size of your cat. You may want to
look into purchasing a jumbo cat litter box with rim. It has the ideal
height for just about any sized cat. It very roomy and since there is a
rim you don’t have to worry about the cat getting litter everywhere
when jumping to and from the cat litter tray. This appears to be the
best pet supplies in the market.
A person who loves owning a cat, but really does not like the mess of a
cat litter tray, may want to consider the Littermaid LME5500 Automatic
Cat Litter Tray ? It is a simple little system that does all the work
for the cat owner. It can either operate from mains electricity or run
on batteries. The makers of this great system recommend that you use
premium clumping cat litter for the best effect. The cleaning mechanism
automatically runs back and forth through the cat litter and dumps the
clumps into a plastic container that stores the used litter until the
pets owner empties the container and replaces it with a new one. This
system is a great option for the person who may have multiple cats that
stay indoors. Plus you don’t have to worry about leaving home for a few
days and coming back to mess.
Another great option, and our personal favourite, is the Omega Paw self
cleaning litter box. When it comes time to clean the litter tray you
simply roll the cat try back and forth. It comes with a lid so you not
have to worry about spilling litter. The clumps get trapped into a
compartment that you then take out and empty. You do not have to worry
about taking the time to buy filter and replace them with this great
If you believe your cat should be treated like any other member of the
family and have the time to toilet train then ordering the Litter
Kwitter Toilet Training Kit for Cats will help you do just that. The
great DVD teaches you how to train your cat to use the toilet in just 3
simple steps – although you’ll still need to give them a helping hand
to flush it!
There are so many great options of cat litter tray to choose from. The
best thing you can do is choose the one the fits your kitties needs and
yours also. Your cat is an important part of the family so why not show
them how special they are.
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E-Book about CATS
1.Cat Sercet Revealed Click it !!! Proven solution for Cat Behaviour
2. Ragdoll Cat Sercet - Pet Owner Guide Click it!!!Ragdoll Cats Training and Care
3.The Complete Ragdoll Cat Keeper Hand book Click it!!!Complete Manual on Ragdoll Cats
4.I m Siamase ( Cats & Kitten) Click it !!!All about raising the Siamese Cats
5. Kingdom of Pets: Complete Cat Training Click it !!!Cat behavoiur ,Training and Cat Agrression
6. Veterinary Sercet Revealed Click it!!! Keep your pet in good health and extend it life span.
7. 18 Way to Stop Can Urine Odour. Click it !!!Proven Solutions To Get Rid Of Cat Urine Odor In Your Home
8.Train your cat to use human toilets. Click it !!! Train your cat using human toilet
9. Cat Food Sercet. Click it !!!
10. Give your cat a fullfilling life. Click it!!! Give Your Cat A Fullfilling Life?
11.The Truth About Pet Insurance - 45-Page EBook Plus 3 Free Bonuses . Click it !!!Finding Solid Information About Pet Insurance
12.How To Protect Your Pet From Fleas. Click it !!! Protect your pets from the fleas
FURminator deShedding Tool with 1-3/4-Inch Edge for Cats
Fat Fat Cat

Street Cat found.Big Fat cat.Give some comment!!!
Kindly click :
a. The Stray Cat Handbook (Howell reference books)
b. The Silent Miaow: A Manual for Kittens, Strays, and Homeless Cats
c.Living in Shadows: How to Help the Stray Cat in Your Life (Without Adding To the Problem)
a. Ragdoll Cats (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) ~ Karen Leigh Davis
b. Ragdoll Cats (Pebble Books) ~ Miller
c.Ragdoll Cats 2009 Square Wall Calendar
Small Cat Find his home
Please Purchase :
a.Petmate LeBistro Portion Control Automatic Pet Feeder, Black, 10 Pounds
b.Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain
c.Ultimate Scratching Post